Geöffnet von-bis: 01.Januar bis 31.Dezember
Aufrufe (Letzte 30 Tage): 42
Happy Acres Resort has full service cabins, rooms and campsites. Built into the side of a mountain we are pet friendly and open year round. Surrounded by state game lands this is a place to go to enjoy the beauty and peace of the PA mountains and wildlife. We have a full service restaurant, a playground, swimming pool, we sell firewood, ice, and propane. Our cabins have jacuzzi tubs, full kitchens and full baths, fireplaces, microwaves. coffee makers and gas grills. Our campsites have water, sewer and electric hookups.
Located in the PA Wilds, the Pine Creek Valley is a beautiful moutain setting. Little Pine State Park is directly across the street and has a large lake, many hiking trails, and an eagle watch area where the ealges nest on the lake a shooting range and much more. The area is known for its trout fishing, black bear, turkey and deer hunting, and wildlife viewing. You can bike or hike on the Pine Creek Rail Trail located 4 miles from the resort which winds 60 miles along the Big Pine Creek. This is the perfect area to come to if you want to see wildlife, enjoy the beauty of the mountains, and get away form the hustle and bustle of city life.
Located 25 miles west of Williamsport Pennsylvania, You take Rt 220 south from Williamsport. Get off on the Rt 44 Norht Pine Creek Exit. Go right on Rt 44 North 12 miles to the twon of WAterville. Take a right on Little Pine Creek Road and we are 4 miles on your left. Just follow the signs with the smiley face family and you will find us!!
Oberfläche: 60 ha brutto
Anzahl Plätze: 150
Anzahl Mietbare Unterkünfte: -
- Sitztoiletten
- Waschmaschine
- Fäkaliengrube Wohnmobil
- Geschirrspülbecken (warm)
- Duschen (warm)
- Waschbecken (warm&kalt)
- Restaurant / Bar
- Imbiß
- kleiner Supermarkt
- Fahrradverleih
- Bootsausleihe
- Volleyball
- sonnige Stellplätze
- zentrumsnah
- parzellierte Stellplätze
- Grasboden
- schattige Stellplätze
- ruhige Lage
- Münztelefon
- Campingausweis ausreichend
- Kartentelefon
- Hunde erlaubt (aufpreispflichtig)
- Beleuchtete Wege