Geöffnet von-bis: 15.April bis 30.September
Aufrufe (Letzte 30 Tage): 42
Chantal & Robert hope to meet you on our, beautifully located, but above all, cozy family camp site, where you can enjoy all the things that makes a holiday worthwhile. Idyllically situated, in the heart of National Park Périgord-Llimousin, in the painteresque DORDOGNE our camp site offers you numerous facilities. Our motto :camp out in nature. Tranquility, space but also sportsmanship and especially our Dutch hospitality. Just pass by this year or even better make a reservation to secure a pitch.
Camping LES GRAULGES is open from April 15 up until September 30. See you soon at LES GRAULGES.
Oberfläche: 8 ha brutto
Anzahl Plätze: 50
Anzahl Mietbare Unterkünfte: -
- Waschmaschine
- Frz. Toiletten
- Sitztoiletten
- Waschbecken (warm&kalt)
- Duschen (warm)
- Restaurant / Bar
- kleiner Supermarkt
- Imbiß
- Volleyball
- Tischtennis
- Golf
- Fußball
- Billard
- harter, steiniger Boden
- Grasboden
- Internetzugang
- Hunde erlaubt (aufpreispflichtig)
- Ausweispflicht mit Reisepaß
- Campingplatz bewacht
- WLAN-Internet
- Beleuchtete Wege