Geöffnet von-bis: 21.März bis 15.Oktober
Vergleichspreis: 24,00 Euro ( Preis pro Übernachtung für PKW, Wohnwagen und 2 Erwachsene und ein Kind in der Hauptsaison inkl. Nebenkosten )
Aufrufe (Letzte 30 Tage): 43
The camp-site ?Lou Labech?, was created in 1985 per Mr. and Mrs. GOUDARD who will accomodate you in season from May to September.
The idea was to build a cordial of reception, calm place, with the most possible comfort.
Today the camp-site is very shaded, its capacity of reception is of 50 delimited sites.
Its geographical location makes of it a camp-site very very calm where it is good to rest there while being very close to the great arts centres such as Sète or Montpellier as well as the other places of relaxations all around the basin of Thau (Beaches, Mer, Village medieval?)
Oberfläche: 1 ha brutto
Anzahl Plätze: 49
Anzahl Mietbare Unterkünfte: -
- Duschen (warm)
- Duschen (kalt)
- Fäkaliengrube Wohnmobil
- Waschmaschine
- Frz. Toiletten
- Sitztoiletten
- Imbiß
- Restaurant / Bar
- Grasboden
- harter, steiniger Boden
- WLAN-Internet
- Beleuchtete Wege
- Internetzugang
- Campingplatz bewacht