Sie haben den McCreary's Beach Resort bereits besucht? Dann hinterlassen Sie hier einige Zeilen zu ihrem persönlichen Eindruck - was hat Ihnen zugesagt, was eher weniger? Ihre sachliche Meinung ist gefragt - bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Verleumdungen!

If you’re thinking of going to McCreaerey’s resort DO NOT! I don’t understand why it’s called a resort. Going to a hotel is cheaper and much more accommodating and offers more services. I would have rather slept in a tent in the pouring rain then pay to stay the weekend there. We weren’t allowed to have a camp fire. We had to provide our own linen, towels etc. It took three of their barbecues to cook our dinner since none of their barbecues worked. So by the time they brought one that worked our food was ruined! And on top of all that after cleaning up to head home we made sure the cabin was spotless- but the resort charged us an extra $75 because we forgot to empty out one of the garbage baskets in the bathroom. However at the time we were still at the pool so they easily could have asked us to go back and get it, but they decided to get rid of it and then come see us so they could charge us! The only time I was impressed by the place was when they had a basket of suckers at the front desk. Which I now regret not dumping into my bag before we left!
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